
Mary wants to make sure ALL students in Sonoma County have access to high-quality and equitable education that meets their individual needs. 

To achieve education equity, Mary will support:

Alternative and Special Education 

Sonoma County Office of Education provides educational services to some of the county's most vulnerable populations. Some students might have yet to be successful in their traditional local school and need more support and a different style of education to complete their graduation requirements. Other students might need special education and require more intensive services than offered at the local district. This is where SCOE steps in. Mary thinks it is essential that these services meet the student's individual needs and be equitable. Providing wraparound support for their success in and beyond the education system is necessary. 

Mary knows firsthand how essential these services are for children's success. Mary sought early childhood intervention support for her daughter at 18 months. Mary noticed speech delays and was able to utilize county services to support her daughter. She's happy to report that the services have allowed her daughter to catch up, thrive, and feel confident in her speech. Mary wants to ensure every child has that opportunity and access to succeed. She will always make board decisions with these children in mind and work for equitable access to specialized services and programs.

Teacher recruitment and retention 

For students to succeed in school and beyond, it is essential that strong teachers are being recruited and retained. SCOE provides professional development classes for teachers to support continued growth and development. This can not only help retain great teachers, but it can also help some of the smaller schools and districts that might not have the budget for these classes. Teachers are asked to play so many roles inside and outside of the classroom, and when SCOE can support the teachers, all students benefit.

Mary would like to see the professional development opportunities expand. Mary would work with the faculty and school districts in Area 3 to find out the gaps in training and bring that knowledge back to SCOE. 

Fiscal Solvency 

SCOE provides financial oversight for the county's districts to help prevent financial crises and support financial success for all the schools. Although SCOE does not have direct approval of the district's budgets, they can provide leadership and be thoughtful think partners when districts are making important financial decisions. Mary believes this role is going to be crucial moving forward as school districts face decreased funding due to lower enrollment and average daily attendance. With limited funding, boards and administrators need to be resourceful and thoughtful in order to achieve school success. 

Mary would use the platform to help school districts think through financial decisions and involve all stakeholders in budget discussions: parents, students, faculty, and the community. Mary has had experience as the Budget Chair for the Board of Public Utilities and would use that experience to help decide what and how to fund needed services.